
A free zero-emission Hype PRM taxi for wheelchair users
to attend the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games

As part of the #2024jeBASCULE operation aimed at switching the taxi sector towards zero-emission taxis, Hype, Official Taxi Supporter of Paris 2024, is making its zero-emission PRM taxi service available free of charge to all wheelchair users (and their accompanying persons) to travel to and from events and ceremonies of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.
This initiative is organised by Hype, in cooperation with APF France Handicap and its other partners, to ensure that the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games are accessible to all, and as a complement to the other transport solutions proposed

Switch to zero-emission with Hype and book your free PRM taxi to attend the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games

Please note:
– to benefit from this offer, you must have a Paralympic Games ticket. Proof will be requested.
– you may make as many requests as you wish, but each request must be linked to an official user ticket to attend an event or ceremony of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.
– requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis to ensure fair and orderly processing.

1. Personal information 
2. Book your free taxi to go to the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games event
3. Book your free taxi to come back from the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games event
Note : Hype's booking service will contact you if your pick-up or destination is outside the Paris region.
4. Are you accompanied ? 
5. Ticket - Note : If you can't upload your ticket, a screenshot is accepted ; should there be any difficulty, please contact us at jp2024-pfr@hype.taxi
6. Any special comments that may help to ensure that your trip(s) run as smoothly as possible 
7. How did you hear about this offer ? 

* An acknowledgement of receipt summarising the details of your request will be sent to you by email, enabling you to finalise your booking.

About #2024jeBASCULE
Together to shift Parisian taxis towards zero-emission

About Hype
Official Taxi Supporter of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Launched in Paris in 2015 at COP 21, Hype, an independent pure player in zero-emission taxi solutions, has been investing 100% of its capacity and resources for the past 8 years to immediately tackle pollution and global warming by enabling its customers and all drivers to travel without polluting and without paying more.

Hype offers the only 100% zero-emission taxi booking application for the full range of services (Classic, Van, PRM, Premium) and all 100% electric technologies (hydrogen and battery), at no extra cost compared with polluting taxis


About Paris 2024

The Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 (Paris 2024) has the task of planning for, organising, financing and delivering the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024 in accordance with the host city contract signed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) and the City of Paris.

The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the leading sports event in the world and have a unique media impact, bringing together some 10,500 Olympic and 4,350 Paralympic athletes respectively representing 206 and 182 delegations from five continents. The Games are followed by over 13 million spectators and 4 billion viewers around the world and their impact as a global event of great sporting, economic and cultural importance is unparalleled.

Founded in January 2018, Paris 2024 is headed by Tony Estanguet, a three-time Olympic champion and IOC member. It is administered by an Executive Board (EB) that brings together all the project’s founding members: CNOSF, the City of Paris, the state, the Île-de-France Region, CPSF, the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area, the Seine Saint-Denis Departmental Council and representatives of the local authorities involved in the Games.
