• Hype is launching, with the support of Paris 2024, #2024jeBASCULE, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at making taxi customers and drivers switch to non-polluting taxi solutions

• Paris 2024 commits to promoting Hype’s non-polluting taxi solutions to all its accredited stakeholders, including federations and partners …

• This Hype-led initiative aims to accelerate the switch of an entire sector towards 100% electric solutions

Paris, 04 July 2024

Urban air and noise pollution is a critical public health and environmental emergency ¹ that can be tackled immediately, with significant concrete outcomes. Proven solutions that offer health and environmental benefits and are available at the same cost must be prioritised without delay.

The taxi sector in particular provides an essential public service but is also the main polluter among passenger transport services, as it still mainly relies on combustion-powered vehicles (diesel, petrol or hybrid) (2) travelling several hundred kilometres a day with few passengers on board.

By immediately integrating a 100% electric taxi service at a similar cost, to replace at least part of their current fossil fuel-based on-demand transport services, private and public decision-makers can quickly shift the sector towards zero-emission (3).

For the first time at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Paris 2024 is relying on an official “Crit’Air 0’’ taxi supporter. By choosing Hype’s taxi service, Paris 2024 sets a precedent for future major international events, prioritising a solution that addresses public health and climate change emergencies. Hype’s taxi service will cater to the transportation needs of accredited individuals at the Paris 2024 Games, complementing other available transportation options.

Tony Estanguet, President of Paris 2024, ” With Paris 2024, we want to organise Games that are not only spectacular, but also useful and committed, embracing a more responsible model, particularly from an environmental standpoint. This has been our focus since the project’s inception, and our partners play a crucial role in achieving these objectives. This is the case with Hype who will provide a fleet of 100% electric vehicles during the Games. Once again, the Games will serve as benchmark, leaving a legacy of more sustainable practices well beyond Paris 2024, contributing to a lasting change in on-demand transport habits.”

2024 © Hype. All rights reserved

As part of the #2024jeBASCULE , operation, Hype is unveiling a “Special Offer” for Paris 2024’s partners and all decision-makers (private and public organisations), immediately enabling them to register its 100% electric taxi service (hydrogen, battery, or both), without delay, without a subscription, and at the same cost as other service providers. This special offer includes access to Hype’s full range of services (classic, PRM, premium) on preferential terms, as a replacement (at least partial) for their current fossil fuel-based on-demand transportation services.

High-level athletes, especially those preparing for and taking part in the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, inspire us with their passion, courage, resilience, self-sacrifice and tenacity. The athletes, disciplines and sports players who have chosen to make the switch right now by prioritising zero-emission taxi services, will play a major role in embodying and accelerating this movement. The French Breaking team, a new member of the Olympic sports family, is kicking off by being the first to make the switch.

2024 © Hype. All rights reserved

Capitalising on this momentum, other leading stakeholders, in particular major public and private organisations and civil society actors who have already made the switch, will also help to accelerate the movement by co-opting other players and highlighting their choice.

The first list of organisations that have registered or are in the process of registering a zero-emission taxi service will be announced after the opening of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, in the week of 29 July 2024; the second one after the close of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, in the week of 9 September 2024; and the final list will be published in winter 2024 at a major event organised by Hype with the support of Paris 2024 as part of the Paris 2024 legacy.

Mathieu Gardies, President, CEO and founder of Hype “For the past 8 years, Hype, an independent pure player in zero-emission taxi solutions, has been investing 100% of its capacity and resources to immediately tackle pollution and global warming by enabling its customers and all drivers to travel without polluting and without paying more. With the #2024jeBASCULE operation and the historic commitment of Paris 2024, we are launching a 6-month sprint to accelerate this irreversible switch of Parisian taxis to zero-emission and contribute to setting Paris as a reference in terms of air and noise pollution reduction in urban areas”.

(1) Air pollution in urban areas: a major public health and environmental challenge/emergency. Air pollution caused 8.1 million deaths worldwide in 2021, (i.e. 1 in 8 deaths, and the second highest risk factor for death) – latest report on the state of the world’s air : State of Global Air 2024: https://www.stateofglobalair.org/resources/report/state-global-airreport-2024

More than 100,000 premature deaths per year in France are related to fossil fuel combustion – without taking into account the impact of Particulate Matter – Study published on 9/02/2021 in Environmental Research and coordinated by the universities of Harvard, London, Leicester and Birmingham.

(2) A polluting vehicle is diesel, petrol or hybrid. Hybrid vehicles (which make up the majority of Parisian taxis today and are labelled as “Green” by the main taxi and VTC operators) are taxis based on the combustion of fossil fuels, with harmful consequences in terms of noise pollution, air pollution (NOx emissions and other local pollutants) and global warming (CO2 emissions).

(3) Zero tailpipe emissions, i.e. with a 100% electric engine (battery-powered or hydrogen-powered) and a Crit’Air 0- qualified vehicle

About Hype

Exclusive Official Taxi Supporter of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games I #2024jeBASCULE Launched in Paris in 2015 at COP 21 in response to the public health emergency of air and noise pollution in urban areas, Hype offers the only 100% zero-emission taxi booking application for the full range of services (Standard, PRM, Premium) and all 100% electric technologies (hydrogen and battery), at no extra cost compared with polluting taxis. Hype, which is developing the first zero-emission mobility platform integrating the production and distribution of green hydrogen, has been directly operating the world’s largest fleet of hydrogen-powered taxis for 8 years and enables the rapid and irreversible switch of taxis and other professional mobility users to zero emission. By capitalising on its experience and integrated model, which make it easier for as many drivers and customers as possible to use zero-emission mobility solutions in the short term, Hype, which is already present in Paris, Brussels and Le Mans, will roll out its platform in 13 other cities/regions in France and around the world by the end of 2026.

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