Hype announces the 7 new regions selected to deploy its integrated hydrogen mobility platform:
Le Mans, Bordeaux, Brussels, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, and Porto

• Hype will deploy a minimum of 18 refuelling stations and 3 electrolysers in these new regions by the end of 2025.

• Hype deploys a first station in Le Mans, scheduled to open in June 2023. This is the first step in the deployment of Hype’s platform outside its historical birthplace in the greater Paris area. 

• Hype announces that its project, “European Hydrogen Network by Hype” has been awarded a new European grant of more than €18 million to support the development of its network in the newly selected regions.

Paris, April 21st, 2023

Hype, an independent pure player in hydrogen mobility solutions, has selected 7 new regions, Le Mans, Bordeaux, Brussels, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, and Porto, where the company is going to replicate its proven model tested for more than seven years in the greater Paris area. This model consists of simultaneously deploying its network of green hydrogen refuelling stations and the associated uses, with taxis as the first relevant market.

Hype deploys its integrated platform in seven new regions in France and internationally

After opening the first station of its new network in Issy-les-Moulineaux (greater Paris area) at the beginning of April, Hype is continuing its deployment in seven new regions, in France and internationally, starting with Le Mans, where it will put its first station into operation in June 2023. Hype is capitalising on its strong growth to quickly deploy its network which will be made up of 26 stations by the end of 2025 in the greater Paris area (including at least 20 large-capacity stations, i.e. ~1 ton/day each) and a minimum of 18 stations and 3 electrolysers in these 7 new French and European regions.

Hype creates a virtuous circle to accelerate the scaling up of hydrogen mobility in Europe

In each of these regions, the first stations will be deployed quickly in order to have an operational production and refuelling network in the short term, enabling relevant uses to be activated and scaled up from this base network, in a synchronised way.

The “European Network by Hype” project has been awarded a new European grant to support the development of the Hype network in France and Europe

This first series of stations outside the greater Paris area will benefit from the support of the European Union through the “European Hydrogen Network by Hype” project. This project has been selected as part of the competitive call for proposals “CEF – Transport – AFIF (Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility)” launched by the European Commission and should receive a grant of more than €18 million.

Hype is currently assessing the choice of 8 other regions that will enable Hype to reach its objective of deploying its platform in 15 new regions by the end of 2025.

Hype relies on leading public and private partners for its deployment in France and internationally

In each new region, Hype will rely not only on its global partners (La Banque des Territoires, Vinci, HRS, McPhy, Akuo Energy, Ecolotrans) but also on players present in the targeted regions that will share their knowledge of local ecosystems. This network of local partners will accelerate Hype’s deployment in those geographies and will benefit from Hype’s ecosystem to develop their own initiatives in hydrogen.

Mathieu GARDIES, CEO and Founder of Hype said: “Today, I am extremely proud to open a new chapter in the history of Hype by establishing for the first time our unique model outside of the greater Paris region, our historical birthplace. Our deployment in Le Mans marks the first step in our expansion into seven new regions in France and internationally, along an AtlanticMediterranean corridor, connecting Brussels to Lisbon, including the two largest cities in Spain and Portugal. This demonstrates the relevance of simultaneously deploying hydrogen infrastructure and uses to accelerate the transition to zero emission mobility. Hype is working across Europe to fight air and noise pollution and can rely on a network of public and private partners who are as committed as we are to building a pollution-free and carbon-free future.”

Richard Ferrer, Head of Innovation & Alternative Fuels at the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) said: “Supporting the emergence of carbon-free mobility is one of the major objectives of the European Union. The selection of this project for European funding is part of the ambitious framework of the “Green Deal” for Europe. The announcement of this station today is emblematic of the possibilities for energy transition in the transport sector in order to achieve a reduction in emissions of at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990, for the greater benefit of European citizens. The European Union will continue to support these sustainable initiatives, in partnership with financial institutions such as the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, notably through the Alternative Fuels Financial Facility (AFIF), for which a call for projects worth more than 1 billion euros remains open until the end of December 2023.”

About Hype

About Hype Launched in Paris in 2015 at COP 21 in response to the public health emergency of air and noise pollution in urban areas, Hype is developing the first hydrogen mobility platform integrating sourcing and production, distribution and uses, with taxis as the first relevant market. Hype, which has been operating the world’s largest fleet of hydrogen-powered taxis for the past eight years, now seeks to drive a rapid and mass transition to zero-emission, on-demand transportation and professional mobility uses. Leveraging its speed of execution and agility with its scalable and integrated model designed to facilitate the use of zero emission mobility solutions for as many drivers and customers as possible in the short term, Hype plans to deploy its platform in 15 other regions in France and around the world by the end of 2025.  www.hype.earth

