Your mobility partner

Are you looking for a zero-emission, high level, safe and responsible solution to make it easier for your employees to travel?Make the Hype choice and get around without polluting at the same price as a polluting taxi.​

Manage your trips with ease thanks to our Hype for Business solution

Airport pick-ups, office visits, teams’ daily trips, customer trips, guest transfers for events, the need for one or more vehicles with drivers for 4 hours or 24 hours, à la carte service.

Whatever your needs, a dedicated member of the Hype team is available to set up the solution best suited to your company.​

Our commitments

Zero emission and comfort

Contribute to air quality improvement in the city with our hydrogen-powered vehicles and get around without emitting any pollutants or noise, only water!

The Hype fleet includes only high quality, soundless and non polluting vehicles.

Compliance, safety and health

Our drivers are selected, trained professionals and stakeholders in the Hype project.

Hype strictly adheres to all applicable regulations and health protocols to ensure the safety and health of all its users.

Flexibility and no extra costs

With Hype, you pay only the fare at the official Parisian Taxi rate.

Payment modes, billing management, access rights, expense tracking … we provide solutions adapted to your company.

Multi-channel booking

Through the application, the web booker, by email or by telephone, manage and track the rides of your teams and clients in real-time.

Full reporting ​

Hype provides personalised data for your financial and extra-financial reports (including NOx and CO² emissions avoided, kilometres travelled, passengers transported).

A la carte event service

Provision of vehicles with drivers for your events, assistance in organising transport (planning, reception, routes).


Like all taxis, the Hype fleet can travel in bus lanes and priority lanes to airports.
This means you get the fastest possible journey times in all traffic conditions.

Responsible service

Hype is a committed socially responsible company, made up of young and senior s people, men and women, from diverse backgrounds.

Since its creation, Hype has developed a balanced and responsible employment offer for drivers. Hype’s salaried drivers are on permanent contracts and interested in the success of the project via a BSPCE plan, they benefit from mutual insurance, 100% reimbursed Navigo and Velib passes, innovative work tools and a support team dedicated. Some of them are part of the management team.

Hype now allows independent drivers to join its platform. Hype offers zero-emission mobility packages, adapted to each one’s status, including: access to its mobile application for connecting with customers, the hydrogen vehicle and access to its network of stations. These packages have no additional cost compared to a thermic vehicle.

Hype’s ambition is to give all drivers the possibility to switch to a non-polluting solution now, and bring forward the massive and rapid transition of the sector to zero emission.

In order to continue to innovate and respond more effecticiently to the specific needs of its customers, particularly people with reduced mobility, and to maintain over the long term the cohesion and spirit that drive the company, Hype will keep a significant number of employed drivers at the heart of the project, mostly involved since the beggining of the project.

For its societal commitment (training, CSR actions, etc.) Hype has obtained an Ethifinance rating of 73/100 in 2022, much higher than the average benchmark carried out with companies with more than 800 employees and operating in the services – transport sector (average rating : 25/100).

As many leading companies,
make the choice of zero-emission mobility

Go for Hype,
the first fleet of non-polluting taxis

Working together

We are committed to providing you a zero-emission, high-level, safe and responsible service at the same price as a plluting taxi!


Our team is at your disposal to meet all your mobilities needs. A dedicated contact at Hype will offer you solutions suited to your needs.